Attorney Profile

A lifelong resident of Philadelphia, I am licensed to practice law in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and authorized to represent Social Security Disability/SSI claimants at administrative law hearings anywhere in the United States.

I attended Temple University for both my undergraduate studies and law school. I pic5graduated summa cum laude as an undergrad with a major in History and minor in Spanish, then received a full Beasley Merit Scholarship to law school. At Temple Law, I graduated with distinctions in both Employment Law and Trial Advocacy.

As an associate attorney within a large disability law practice, I previously represented Social Security Disability applicants at over 350 hearings before Administrative Law Judges, including all judges currently hearing cases at the five hearing offices in the Delaware Valley (Philadelphia, Philadelphia East, Elkins Park, South Jersey, and Dover). I’ve also contributed to countless other applicants’ cases at various other phases of the disability process, including initial applications and appeals.

Helping applicants who are in need of benefits deal with a confusing, intimidating process to receive them has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I’ve also treated developing a highly sophisticated knowledge of the rules governing disability as a personal mission. To that end, I’ve extensively trained new disability associates, created training materials for new associate attorneys and support staff, drafted templates for new types of medical source opinion statements, and designed software applications geared towards quality assurance in the intake, case preparation, and brief-writing processes of Social Security Disability law. I’ve also had my thoughts on aspects of disability law published in the The Legal Intelligencer’s June 2013 Labor and Employment supplement.